The Mojo montage
It all began after Jo’s hip operation on April 7, 2022, a dream of being in a field of daffodils with John Lennon, George Harrison and the Maharishi. On waking up at 3am, Jo had the complete blueprint for a new company.
Her desire to use her extensive insight skills to drive forward new products and services, for herself and her clients, was fuelled by a long-held desire to design a catheter that did not block.
She knew there was only one person who could help her in this quest, her second cousin, once removed, Gary Suffling, retired airline pilot and innovator par excellence.
Gary was so enthused with the idea and said yes immediately to the joint venture. Within less than a week he had already come up with a design for the self-cleaning catheter to take the project forward.
Less than two weeks after Jo’s surgery, the company got its mojo and was founded on 20 April 2022, which is where our story begins.